Journey is a high functioning wolfdog, perfect for entertaining and educating children in school programs or community events. Introducing a wolfdog to your school or community teaches people respect for endangered animals and raises awareness for the North American wolves in danger today.

Journey is a great ambassador because he’s very well trained and loves children! Journey loves posing for photos with kids, playing with people, and showing off his beautiful wolf-like coat. By hiring Journey, you can delight guests of all ages while making a difference for endangered animals.

You can hire journey to:

  • Make an appearance at a social event
  • Talk to a school group
  • Do “meet and greets” at fairs or parties
  • Advocate for wolves in event booths
  • Appear on television or in commercials
  • Pose for photos at community events
  • + More!

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    Please contact us to hire Journey and raise awareness in your community today!