Mormon Rock photoshoot

Journey had a great time with his furry friends Ambassador Sage, Skye, and Malia and his new human friends, Jesse, France, Anna, and Bree. This clothing line photo shoot raises funds to support the wolves at Wolf Mountain Sanctuary.

Project Think educational program at Pomona College

Ambassador Journey was blessed to be able to meet, educate, and love on over 300 Project Think students (aka potential wolf loving advocates) at Pomona College. Thank you for inviting us again! Journey so loves you and the wonderful children! These photos are copyrighted. Please do not tag yourself in the photos, unless you are a relative (human or animal) or are actually in the photo.


One of Journey’s most favorite things to do is travel, meet new and old friends, see, experience, and do new things. Of course, he’s always educating adults, children, and canines and best yet, surprises so many people who never thought they’d get to pet someone like him up close, let alone be kissed by him!

Thank you to the thousands of wonderful people Journey has been blessed to meet. He has become the wonderful gentleman he is today, because of all of you showing him love, kindness, and respect!

Speak for Wolves 2016

What are you plans this summer? How about a trip to the magnificent Yellowstone National Park in July? Enjoy the spectacular views, wildlife sightings and join renown wildlife advocates and biologist at the annual three-day family friendly Speak for Wolves event held at the historic Union Pacific Dining Lodge in the town of West Yellowstone, Montana.

This year’s event will feature guest speakers, film, dance, poetry, art, music, food and a field trip! Check out Speak for Wolves Program page for more details.

Hugs and kisses with wolves

Dear friends, we wanted to share with you this hear warming video from the spectacular Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center. We highly recommend you visit them next time you are up in Denver, Colorado Springs or heading to one of the ski resorts. The sanctuary is located on a way from Colorado Springs to Breckenridge. And even though it’s a bit of a drive from Denver – it’s truly worth it! Especially if you do a photo session with these stunning and very friendly furry guys!

Don’t be surprised by this highly social and friendly behavior. And in case you are wondering – they really are wolves! Wolves are very intelligent and very social animals that sadly are really mis-represented by pop-culture as well special interest groups who benefit from wolves extermination.

Visit our Wolves page and learn more about the true nature of wolves and their benefit to the entire eco-system.